Let’s discuss some of the most
common causes of stress and what to do when the stress becomes unbearable.
Work related stress
This undoubtedly makes the top of
the list. When your work is piling up on you and you are getting very little
time for yourself, your friends or for your family, it's time to know that you
need a break. Inform the authorities of a valid excuse and cut off to a place
where you'll regain the feelings of experiencing the wonderful pleasures of
life. Also, it's very important to make sure that wherever you go, your cell
phone, beeper or any other devices are not getting in your way of taking some
time off, otherwise the trip will get tainted with interruptions that you don't

Taking some time off before taking another degree
This one's for those who take
further education very seriously. If you're planning to take another step towards
expanding your horizon, then before you jump right into it, it's better to take
some time off for yourself for a fresh start. Even if you're planning to head
out with friends just to have a great time, make sure you have chosen a place
where you can also experience the sights and sounds in peace should your mood
ever swing that way. Picking a place where you'll be able to enjoy great music
can enliven things for you.
There are definitely thousand
more reasons and situations causing stress everyday. What is important is to
remember is the magic combination – the country side, great food, great wine,
and great music. After just a weekend of this soul treatment, you should be
good to go back in again!
Image Source: goforfun, blogcdn, flipside